The following views are those of a mother on a soap box, read at your own risk.
I turned off my cable in January of last year and when everything went digital I did not get a transmitter. So, this means that we have not had tv in my house for almost two years. Now while I realize that seems archaic to most, I have really not missed it. I occasionally wish I could sit down and watch Food Network or maybe a football game, but in general I'm glad it's gone. We still watch movies, just not tv.
Last night I went to a friends house to watch Glee (see I'm still aware of what's going on) with some friends. Can I just say that between the Brittney Spears episode (should have known better) and the 2 minute segment of another Law and Order type show we caught before turning off the tv, I don't think I will ever allow the tv back in my home again. I do realize how I sound right now... hence the disclaimer at the top of the post. I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be, but I can not believe what is put on tv for public consumption. I know I have the option of not watching it and I won't, but I just wondered if anyone else feels the same way or if I really am as "Leave it to Beaver" as I sound.
Thanks for listening...